
Smiling man outdoors near a red building.


Kevin Whaley
Term End Date: November 20, 2028
Smiling person in a stadium setting

Deputy Treasurer

Annette Bontrager
Term End Date: November 20, 2028

Dates to Remember

Taxes are due February 14, 2025

Tax Information

Tax Receipt

Washington Township is now offering several ways in which we can provide your TAX RECEIPT

  1. You provide a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope with your payment (5 max per envelope)
  2. You provide a valid email address with your payment
  3. You can pick it up from the Treasurer’s Office at the Township Hall

Statutory Treasurer Hours

  1. Pursuant to Public Act 126 of 2011 (MCL 211.44(2)(c)), a township treasurer or his/her designee shall be in his or her office from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to receive tax payments for the collection of a summer tax levy, on September 14, (the last day taxes are due and payable before interest is added under MCL 211.44a(5).
  2. Pursuant to Public Act 641 of 2002 (MCL 211.44(2)(b)), a township treasurer or his/her designee shall be in his or her office from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to receive tax payments on the last day of February (the last day taxes are due and payable before being returned as delinquent under MCL 211.55.)
  3. PA 641 also provides that a township treasurer or his/her designee shall be in his or her office from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to collect taxes one business day between December 25 and December 31 unless the township has an agreement with local financial institution(s) to collect taxes on behalf of the township, and the township provides timely notification to the taxpayers of their ability to pay their taxes at the financial institution(s).
  4. In addition, a township treasurer may choose to hold hours on any day in order to meet the needs of his or her community, including days in September to assist taxpayers with the final deadline of the deferment form and February 14 (the last day in February to pay property taxes without incurring any interest or penalty).

Treasurer's Statutory Duties

  • Collects real and personal property taxes
  • Keeps an account of township receipts (revenues) and expenditures
  • Disburses township checks
  • Deposits township revenues in approved depositories
  • Invests township funds in approved investment vehicles
  • Collects delinquent personal property tax
  • Responsible for jeopardy assessments in collecting delinquent personal property tax
  • Collects mobile home specific tax
  • Must post a surety bond
  • Member of township election commission
  • MCL 41.77: The treasurer shall appoint a deputy, who shall serve at the pleasure of the treasurer.
    • The deputy shall file an oath of office with the township clerk and shall give a bond to the township as required by the twp board.
    • The deputy, in case of the absence, sickness, death, or other disability of the treasurer, shall possess the powers and perform the duties of the treasurer, except the deputy shall not have a vote on the township board.
    • The deputy shall be paid as the township board determines.
    • With the approval of the township treasurer, the deputy may assist the treasurer in the performance treasurer’s duties at any additional times agreed upon between the board and the treasurer, except the deputy shall not have a vote on the township board.