Tarry Stahl
Term End Date: November 20, 2026
Kevin Whaley
Term End Date: November 20, 2028
Clerk is the Chairman of the Election Commission
EC Authorities & Responsibilities
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Establishing the boundaries and determining the size of township precincts, depending on the voting equipment used (MCLs 168.658 and 168.661);
- Shall furnish for all local primaries and elections, at the expense of their township all ballots, forms, stationery, and supplies required for the proper conduct of primaries and elections. These supplies must conform generally with the supplies furnished for general primaries and elections. (MCL 168.670);
- The conduct of Pre-election Logic and Accuracy Testing of all tabulators and voter assist terminals (VAT) prior to each election. Public notice of the time and place of the test shall be given at least 48 hours before the test by publication in a newspaper published in the township, where the electronic tabulating equipment is used. (MCL 168.798);
- Appointing at least 3 election inspectors and as many more as in the board’s opinion is required for the efficient, speedy, and proper conduct of election. One of the appointments shall be designated as the precinct chairperson. These appointments must be made at least 21 days before each election, but in no case less than 5 days before the date set for holding schools of instruction (MCL 168.674). These appointments can now include qualified 16 or 17-year-old persons (MCL 168.677(4))
- Establishing precinct absent voter counting boards and appoint elections inspectors subject to MCL 168.674 (MCL 168.765a).
- Establish, by resolution, receiving board(s) consisting of 2 or more election inspectors, with an equal number from each major political party (MCL 168.679a)
Upcoming EC Meetings
6 May
EC Documents
- EC Resolutions (3)
- EC Notices
- 2025 EC Notices (2)
- EC Mtg Agendas
- 2025 EC Agendas (1)
- EC Mtg Minutes
- 2025 EC Minutes (1)